The five of us waited for Brennan and Jezz to get back from their class since our had ended at 1 and they had an extra class; we watched a movie for a short while and then Brennan made us change into our sports gear; we got dressed and got ready our water bottles and we set off to the sports complex around 3:45 p.m.
Brennan registered us as members since we were gonna visit the sports complex more frequently now. We booked a court for 2 hours, along the way, my friends and I vlogged some footage with my camera and took some photos as well.
It was fun, working out together and just forget about our busy lives for once. I can't remember the last time I've enjoy a game before right up till now.
We took our photo as well before we played our game.
From back (left to right) : Brennan, Shawin, Me, Jezzebel, Vimal.
From front (left to right) : Sai, Naresh.